Tuesday 17 May 2016

NBA Teams And Sponsors

Yesterday it was announced that the Philadelphia 76ers would be the first team to put a sponsors logo on their Jersey. This is a big step for sponsors, it is considered some of the most effective logo placements. The Philadelphia 76ers have agreed to shot StubHub's logo on their jerseys.

This change of adorning logos on jerseys is slightly controversial, as some feel that it diminishes a teams identity. However, some can think of it as a triumph for companies and basketball teams that can both symbiotically benefit from each other. I really do think the latter. I think that if both a team and company can benefit from placing their brand on another. It is very much like sports. as a team you can do very well.

It is important to understand the principals of sponsoring:
  • sponsorship should be based on contractual obligations between the sponsor and the sponsored party
  • Sponsors and sponsored parties should set out clear terms and conditions with all other partners involved, to define their expectations regarding all aspects of the sponsorship deal
  • The terms and conduct of sponsorship should be based upon the principle of good faith between all parties to the sponsorship
  • Sponsored parties should have the absolute right to decide on the value of the sponsorship rights that they are offering and the appropriateness of the sponsor with whom they contract
It's important that the sponsors don't over take the jersey that they're on. It would really diminish the teams importance over the companies importance. For the moment it looks as though StubHub will be placing a relatively small logo on the jersey, thus not diminishing the team. 

Major league basketball is the first massive sport in america to do this. The NFL (national football league), MLB (major league baseball), and NHL (national hockey league) are still to follow.

See more here.

Here is a video on the history of the 76ers:

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